
Muscle Therapies


At Spine Align Chiropractic Center, our patients experience long-awaited pain relief from our holistic muscle therapies. Providing therapy to our patients is a vital aspect of our pain management, Greenville, NC program. Muscle therapies help our patients hold their adjustments longer, supporting the retraining process of their muscles and their muscle memory. Along with helping patients feel better quicker, these techniques help shorten the length of their healing process and decrease the cost of their overall treatment program with our chiropractor NC.

Cervical Traction

Cervical traction is a therapy that involves gentle neck stretches to relieve pain and improve mobility. The patient typically lies on their back while a weight gently pulls their head away from their neck. This traction force helps to elongate the cervical spine and reduce pressure on the nerves and discs in the neck.

Combo/ Electrical Stimulation/Ultrasound

Combo therapy combines two types of therapies, often high-voltage electrical stimulation and ultrasound. The high voltage causes the muscle to contract and relax rapidly. The ultrasound then sends heat to the area, increasing metabolism within the muscle and allowing for quicker healing. Combo therapy can help to treat trigger points.

Our Chiropractor NC places an electrode pad on an area of the patient where they are not receiving electrical currents to complete the circuit. The currents must be delivered directly to the skin with a hand-held applicator covered with ultrasound gel.

Cryotherapy (Ice Therapy)

Cryotherapy is a term that describes the application of ice, ice massage, or ice packs to reduce the temperature of tissues directly on or below the skin surface. Surface cooling constricts blood vessels (reduces capillary leakage), numbs painful areas, and helps relax muscle spasms and myofascial tension. Our chiropractor, NC, may recommend cryotherapy to manage acute injuries or exacerbations of chronic conditions. It also shrinks torn capillaries that can occur after an injury. Cryotherapy is effective in reducing and preventing posttraumatic swelling.

Exercise Therapy

Exercise therapy is a set of repetitive stretching or strengthening maneuvers designed to develop weakened or injured muscle groups that support the spine. Our chiropractor NC will implement a group of low back exercises, neck exercises, and other targeted routines to condition the soft tissues holding the position of specific joints. The most significant benefits of exercise therapy take time to appreciate. Exercise therapy will increase range of motion, retrain damaged muscles, speed recovery, and help maintain spinal adjustments.


Hydrotherapy is a method of therapy that utilizes a table that houses enclosed water and propelling jets. The patient lies face up on the table. Hydrotherapy enables the body to relax deeply, increases flexibility and range of motion, reduces inflammation, and increases joint mobility. Additional benefits include the stimulation of the lymphatic system and the elimination of muscle toxins. Patients describe a pleasant and relaxing “kneading” sensation.

Interferential Therapy

Interferential therapy is a type of electrical therapy that stimulates the production of endorphins (natural painkillers). It also supports muscle strengthening and reeducation.

Intersegmental Traction

Intersegmental traction is a therapeutic method of introducing passive motion into the spine to stretch spinal joints, increasing mobility and improving circulation to the disc. The treatment requires the patient to lie on their back as a mechanism introduces motion to the spine.

Class IV Laser Therapy

Laser pain therapy, Greenville, care plans use specific wavelengths of light to penetrate skin and tissue to promote healing and reduce pain. The laser energy increases blood flow to the area, reducing inflammation and swelling, and stimulating endorphin production.

Superficial Heat

Superficial heat (hot, moist packs) is a method of therapy used to help raise the temperature of soft tissues directly below the skin surface. This therapy can increase flexibility, improve range of motion, and promote increased circulation. It can also speed up the healing process. This type of therapy applies to patients within the acute phase or for chronic conditions where inflammation is not problematic. Its purpose is to soften scar tissue, relax muscle spasms, promote flexibility, increase lymphatic blood and chemoreceptor exchange, and sedate damaged nerves.


Ultrasound is a therapy that uses high-frequency sound waves to increase the metabolism inside the muscle tissue. It is hand-applied with an applicator. A water-based gel allows the wand to move smoothly over the skin. The treatment is administered directly to the area of complaint and penetrates deeply into the body. A temperature rise occurs, increasing blood flow, relaxing muscle spasms, breaking up trigger points, massaging damaged muscles, and allowing the body to heal.

Call (252) 355-1770 or complete our online contact form to schedule an appointment today.


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By Appointment



8:00 am - 1:00 pm 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 1:00 pm 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 1:00 pm
By Appointment