Exercises For Sciatic Pain

Spine Align Chiropractic Center's sciatica relief Greenville, NC, treatments offer therapeutic approaches to addressing and resolving immediate symptoms and mitigating the likelihood of recurring discomfort stemming from the condition's root causes. Our mission is to improve your health to reduce the risk of pain and illness in the first place. Follow our sciatica exercise guide to manage your sciatic pain and minimize discomfort.

Benefits of Targeted Exercise for Sciatic Nerve Pain

  • Reduce sciatic nerve pain
  • Enhance leg mobility
  • Improve range of motion
  • Strengthen sciatic nerve function
  • Encourages soft tissue healing
  • Minimizes future flair-ups
  • Strengthens core and glute muscles
  • Reduces inflammation

Consistency is paramount for effective outcomes. At Spine Align Chiropractic Center, our chiropractor, Greenville, NC staff prioritizes our patients' physical health, from those who aren’t engaging in proper physical activities to those with NC sports injuries. Here are six exercises you should incorporate into your daily exercise routine to supplement your sciatica relief, Greenville, NC treatment.

Exercises for Sciatic Nerve Pain

Glute Bridge Exercise

 The Glute Bridge exercise requires no equipment and is highly beneficial for sciatic nerve pain. It helps reduce Sciatica by improving the strength of the glute and hamstring muscles. 

Glute Bridge Exercise

1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
          a. Arms may rest straight at your sides, palms facing down.
2. Tighten the abdominal muscles by pulling your belly button in towards the spine.
          a. For support, press arms into the floor and push through heels, raising hips toward the ceiling.
3. Hold for five to 30 seconds, then gradually return to the starting position. Repeat four to eight times.

Figure 4 Stretch 

Figure 4 Stretch helps improve hip joint flexibility, especially the piriformis. It also alleviates sciatic nerve pressure and discomfort by releasing hip and back tension, promoting relief, and avoiding pain.

Figure 4 Stretch

Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor.
1. Cross your right ankle over the left knee, keeping your right foot flexed.
2. Gradually bring the left knee toward your chest.
          a. You may reach your right hand through your legs and interlock fingers under the
crease of your left knee.
3. Using your arms, pull the left knee towards your chest.
          a. Pause and hold position for about four to five breaths.
4. Repeat the stretch two to three times.
5. After completing the stretch for one side, switch sides and repeat steps two through five. 

Child’s Pose Stretch

According to chiropractor, Greenville, NC,  techniques, the child's pose is a highly effective exercise for sciatic nerve pain. We especially recommend this exercise to facilitate spinal stretching and hip opening.

Child Pose Stretch

1. Start this stretch with your hands and knees on the floor.
2. Bring your knees together as you gradually sink backward, bringing your hips toward your heels.
          a.  Extend your arms above your head, or modify to a more comfortable position by placing your arms alongside your torso.
          b. Allow your forehead to rest on the ground.
3. Sink deeper into the stretch, pause, and breathe deeply.
4. Hold for three to five minutes, or as long as you'd like. Daily repetition is not required for this sciatic pain exercise.

Lower Trunk Rotations

Increase your spine's mobility and flexibility with lower trunk rotations.

Lower Trunk Rotations

1. Begin the exercise by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
2. Gently rotate the spine as you move knees to the side.
3. Reverse directions and move knees to the opposite side.
4. Hold this position for one to three seconds. Repeat ten times on each side. Perform once daily. 

Sciatic Nerve Glide

Sciatic nerve glides are an exercise for sciatic nerve pain that helps stretch or release trapped, compressed, injured, or pinched nerves, relieving comfort.

Sciatic Nerve Glide

1. Lie on your back and bend hips to a 90-degree angle. Lift a single leg straight up.
2. Bend your ankle forward and backward until you feel a stretch in the back of your leg.
          a. You should feel stretch in the hamstring and calf muscles.
3. Hold for three seconds and take deep breaths. Repeat one set of 12 to 15 repetitions three times daily.  

Double Knees to Chest

Our chiropractor, NC team encourages the double knees-to-chest stretch to reduct nerve compression in your lower back, which may alleviate lower back pain.

A man lies on his back and demonstrates pulling both knees to his chest to stretch for sciatic pain.

1. Begin the stretch by lying on your back with both knees bent.
2. Grab the back of both thighs and bring both legs toward your chest.
3. Hold outside of shins for five to 10 seconds. Repeat eight to 10 times.

Experience Sciatic Pain Relief at Spine Align Chiropractic Center

Consistency is critical for sciatica relief Greenville, NC! Incorporate these six exercises into your exercise routine and see the benefits of what they can do for your sciatic pain. Take your journey to better physical health by contacting a chiropractor near me today. Schedule your first appointment, and let our chiropractor, NC, tailor a wellness program specifically for you!

Spine Align Chiropractic Greenville, NC (252)355-1770

To download the Exercises For Sciatic Pain sheet Click Here


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