SI Pain Exercise

Spine Align Chiropractic Center supplements our chiropractor Greenville appointments for Sacroiliac joint dysfunction (SI joint pain) with patient education and additional resources for at-home pain management exercises. The sacroiliac joints, located between the iliac bones and the sacrum, play a critical role in connecting the spine to the lower body. Despite its small size, SI joint dysfunction can lead to significant discomfort and limitation of movement.

Common SI Joint Pain Sources

Common sources of SI joint pain include:

  • Ligaments that are too tight or too loose
  • Hypermobility of the SI joint (excess joint movement) causes pelvic instability and lower back and hip pain
  • SI joint hypomobility (too little joint movement) can cause a combination of muscle tension, stiffness, and/or pains, particularly on one side of the lower back or buttocks
  • Auto accident injuries
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Autoimmune diseases, sometimes leading to degenerative conditions in severe cases

Best Exercises For SI Joint Pain Relief

Spine Align Chiropractic Center strives to offer relief from the discomfort associated with SI joint issues. Read on and download our FREE SI joint pain exercises PDF for a step-by-step guide written by our back pain, Greenville, NC, chiropractors. Take advantage of these at-home exercises designed to precision target and relieve sacroiliac joint pain.

Single Knee-to-Chest Stretch

Single Knee-to-Chest Stretch

  1. Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and feet planted on the floor.
    1. You may use a small pillow under your head or neck for comfort. 
  2. Lock hands under a single knee and bring the knee towards your chest. 
    1. It is integral you keep your lower back pressed to the floor.
  3. Hold the position for 15 to 20 seconds.  
  4. Relax and lower the knee to the beginning position. 
  5. Repeat this stretch two to four times with each leg. 



  1. Begin the exercise flat on your back with both knees bent.
    1. Tighten abdominal muscles by pulling your belly button in towards the spine.
  2. Push your feet into the floor while lifting your hips away from the floor.
    1. Ensure to keep shoulders, hips, and knees straightened. 
  3. Hold the position for six seconds, then slowly lower hips back to the floor and rest. 
  4. Repeat this exercise eight to 12 times. 

Alternate Arm and Leg (A.K.A. 'Bird Dog')

Alternate Arm and Leg (aka bird dog)

  1. Begin this stretch with your hands and knees square on the floor.
  2. Tighten abdominal muscles by pulling your belly button inward towards the spine. 
    1. Be mindful to breathe at a natural pace.
  3. Raise one arm off the floor and hold it straight out in front. 
    1. Make sure to keep your back and neck straight. 
  4. Hold this position for about six to 10 seconds; next, lower your arm and switch to the opposite arm. 
  5. Repeat this stretch eight to 10 times for each arm. 



  1. Begin the exercise by lying on your stomach.
  2. Press palms on the ground and keep the body in a straight line. 
  3. Gently push up by straightening your arms, ensuring your pelvis holds constant contact with the floor.
    1. Hold the position for three to five seconds.
  4. Repeat this exercise for three sets of eight to 12 repetitions.



  1. Lay on your side with legs stacked and knees at a 45-degree angle.
  2. Rest your head on the lower arm and use the top arm for balance.
    1. Tighten the abdominal muscles by pulling your belly button in towards the spine.
    2. This will help stabilize the spine and pelvis.
  3. With your feet touching, slowly raise the upper knee. Do not move the lower leg off the floor.
  4. Pause for a few seconds, then slowly return the knee to the starting position.
  5. Repeat this exercise 10 times on each side.

Prone Hip Extension 

Prone Hip Extension

  1. Begin the exercise lying face down on the floor.
    1. Place one hand atop the other, resting your forehead on both hands.
  2. Breathe in while tightening abdominal muscles. Life one leg off the floor while exhaling.
  3. Keep legs straight and hold for a few seconds before slowly bringing the lifted leg back down to the starting position.
  4. Repeat the same number of repetitions on each side.

Unlock Relief: Download Our Exercises for SI Joint Pain PDF Guide

Experience relief with targeted exercises designed to ease SI joint discomfort when you download the free Exercises for SI Joint Pain PDF guide. Browse our complete exercise resource collection for more chiropractic exercises for lower back pain.

Spine Align Chiropractic Center specializes in SI joint pain management, Greenville, NC, care, featuring comprehensive chiropractic care plans to treat your unique pains and reach your wellness goals. Take the first step towards relief today by scheduling your initial consultation with a chiropractor near me at Spine Align Chiropractic Center.

Spine Align Chiropractic Center  Greenville, NC   (252)355-1770

To download the SI Pain Exercise sheet Click Here


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