Common Questions About Text Neck

More people are developing text neck because of the prevalence of digital devices. Any handheld device, such as a cell phone or a tablet, may cause problems when you use it often to text and send out other messages. It's common to use devices for long periods during the day and this can result in the neck pain that text neck is known for. If you have text neck, our chiropractors at Spine Align Chiropractic Center in Greenville can provide the neck pain relief that you need.

Is Text Neck Real?

You may have wondered whether it's a real condition or just something that people say when they have neck pain. It's a real condition that can have several effects on your overall health and well-being. It's a good idea to try to prevent it and seek treatment from a chiropractor when dealing with text neck.

What Does Text Neck Cause?

The main warning sign of the condition is neck pain, but the pain can occur elsewhere as well. You can develop pain in your shoulders and arms as a result of this condition. Text neck also causes patients to develop arthritis earlier than they would have without it. It can also cause weakness in your shoulder muscles as well as soreness. The condition results in less lung capacity and can lead to spinal degeneration.

Can You Prevent Text Neck?

There are ways to protect yourself from this condition. One of the best ways is simply not to use your phone or tablet as often. Use live voice conversations or use a voice-to-text system to send out your messages so that you aren't bending over so much. It's also a good idea to move around often rather than stay in the same position for a long time. If you are still using devices a lot, take frequent breaks whenever possible.

Contact Our Chiropractors in Greenville, NC

When you develop text neck, there are treatments that a chiropractor can use to relieve your pain, stiffness, and soreness. If you are experiencing neck pain and suspect it could be text neck, call Spine Align Chiropractic Center today at (252) 355-1770 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form


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