Neck Pain FAQs

neck pain

Neck pain is a common complaint among adults in the United States. Chiropractors provide the best neck pain treatment, including massage therapy, spinal adjustments, and physical therapy. At Spine Align Chiropractic Center, our chiropractors in Greenville are ready to provide you with a customized treatment plan for your neck pain. Let’s look at some of the questions that we run into regarding neck pain.

What are the common causes of neck pain?

Several things can cause neck pain, including your posture, how you sit at work, and the activities that you participate in. Some of the most common causes of neck pain include personal injuries, sports injuries, ergonomic issues, poor posture, and text neck.

How can a chiropractor provide neck pain relief?

Seeing a chiropractor can help alleviate neck pain through various non-invasive treatment methods. Neck pain treatment often includes massage therapy, physical therapy, acupuncture, cold laser treatment, and spinal adjustments. Chiropractic adjustments can restore the body’s alignment, helping improve blood circulation and return balance to the body. Additionally, adjustments help take pressure off the joints and muscles, which provides neck pain relief.

What are the benefits of seeing a chiropractor?

Seeing a chiropractor for neck pain relief can provide patients with a variety of benefits. The most significant benefit is chiropractic care is non-invasive and drug-free, reducing the need for surgery or taking addictive pain medications. Other benefits include an increased range of motion and reduced muscle tension around the upper spine.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Chiropractors in Greenville, NC

If you are suffering from neck pain, consider seeing a chiropractor to learn more about how we can help you find relief. At Spine Align Chiropractic Center, our chiropractors are experienced in helping patients find comfort from their neck pain and other body aches. Call our team today at (252) 355-1770 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.


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By Appointment



8:00 am - 1:00 pm 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 1:00 pm 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 1:00 pm
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